The tale of three unlikely heroes - a misfit mouse who prefers reading books to eating them, an unhappy rat who schemes to leave the darkness of the dungeon, and a bumbling servant girl with cauliflower ears - whose fates are intertwined with that of the castle’s princess.
Refusing to live his life cowering, he befriends a Princess named Pea and learns to read books, reveling in stories of knights, dragons and fair maidens.
Banished from Mouseworld for being more man than mouse, Despereaux is rescued by another outcast, Roscuro, who also wants to hear the tale.
Refusing to live his life cowering, he befriends a Princess named Pea and learns to read books, reveling in stories of knights, dragons and fair maidens.
Banished from Mouseworld for being more man than mouse, Despereaux is rescued by another outcast, Roscuro, who also wants to hear the tale.
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