Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs also known as Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs or just Ice Age 3 is an upcoming 2009 computer animated film to be the third installment of the Ice Age film series. It was announced and approved by Fox president Hutch Parker on January 30, 2007 and is slated for a July 4, 2009 release. The film is being produced by Blue Sky Studios and will be distributed by 20th Century Fox. The plot will pick up where Ice Age 2: The Meltdown left off.


  1. Angelm // November 9, 2008 at 3:26 PM  

    I'm so exited to watch Ice Age 3! I'm looking forward for more laughter and from from this movie. Part 1 was so good, I actually watched it again last week in HD quality @ Sid is really funny..ever! ;)